A holistic approach to digital transformation

Many cultural institutions and organisations are faced with the challenge of retaining existing audiences and tapping into new target groups. In addition, inflation, cost pressure and decreasing public budgets are calling for more efficient processes.
Digital transformation opens up a wealth of new opportunities for organisations to compete for an increasingly heterogeneous audience and optimise internal processes.Furthermore, digitalisation enables new forms of artistic expression, an opening beyond the boundaries of buildings as well as target group appropriate mediation work; thereby promoting the dismantling of barriers and thus facilitating participation.

Seizing the opportunities of digitalisation

Digital transformation does not stop at departmental boundaries, but rather requires a holistic view of the entire cultural operation. Strategic goals, digital content, processes to be digitised, the use of data as well as the selection and implementation of IT solutions must be thought through and planned cross-divisionally; both technical and organisational aspects play a role in this. It is important here to balance the goals, needs and resources of an organisation and not to overburden operations. The involvement of the employees in a "change process" is crucial, because digitalisation requires changes in corporate culture as well as new learning processes and working methods.

How can digital transformation succeed?

How can you approach this topic in a structured and effective way? Based on many years of experience, our team of experts has developed a systematic project procedure to successfully shape the digital transformation in cultural enterprises. In six steps, a customised digitalisation roadmap guided by the goals and framework conditions of your institution is developed. The projects and measures identified can be accompanied and implemented on request – through to the selection and introduction of suitable software solutions (e.g. ticketing system or ERP solution). With more than 18 years of experience in countless consulting projects for cultural institutions, two spin-offs in the digital sector (TimeRide and future demand) and various digitisation projects, actori has the necessary culture-specific operational and digital competencies for the success of your digital transformation.



Clients we have advised in this area (excerpt): Tiroler Landestheater – Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe – Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen – Albertina Wien – Sächsische Staatstheater Dresden – Regionalverband Ruhr – Musikfestspiele Sanssouci und Nikolaisaal Potsdam.

Our services

  • Assessment of the degree of digitalisation of cultural institutions and organisations
  • Development of a digitisation vision and mission
  • Development of a digitalisation roadmap
  • Development of digital fields of action and definition of implementation measures
  • Conducting feasibility studies for software systems (e.g. ticketing software, CRM, visitor management system, ERP system or CMS)
  • Long-term implementation support for digital projects, e.g. as an external coordinating body
  • Preparation and support in tender procedures from market investigation to award of contract (e.g. ticketing software, CRM, visitor management system, ERP system or CMS).


Jonas Salzer
Business Development Digitalisierung