Audience success
Attract audiences, increase revenues and strengthen social anchoring

actori supports cultural institutions in attracting new target groups, increasing ticket revenues and developing fundraising income and other sources of revenue. Furthermore, actori assists cultural institutions in the conception and planning of formats and activities for a stronger anchoring in society, such as education programmes, Third Place concepts and activities on participation and diversity.

In Germany, the public promotion of art and culture is one of the core tasks of state action. Nevertheless, many cultural institutions and organisations face financial and social challenges:

  • Inflation and high fixed costs reduce financial scope for artistic creation
  • Increasing competition for visitors in the leisure and entertainment sector
  • Increasing competition for sponsors and private funding
  • Demographic change
  • Increasing pressure to legitimise public subsidies
  • Increasing social demands on cultural institutions such as: Participation, diversity, opening up to urban society, accessibility, mediation, sustainability

Develop clear brand positioning and efficient marketing activities

A strong and clearly distinguishable brand is a prerequisite for successful marketing. The artistic profile is the base - knowledge of the market environment, customer expectations and competition allows for active design of a brand architecture. Brand core, values and competencies form the foundation for a compelling corporate design and a consistent communication strategy. actori accompanies you in the development and implementation of your brand strategy.

In the field of marketing and sales, actori supports cultural institutions of all sectors by means of tailor-made concepts to sharpen offers and to address target groups. For this purpose, visitor and non-visitor surveys are designed. With the help of AI-supported algorithms, visitor structures and behaviour are analysed. This helps the understanding of how target groups can be segmented based on interests, among other things, and addressed with custom-fit offline and online marketing measures. Combined with a data-driven pricing strategy, utilisation and ticketing turnover can be optimised.


Establish and expand sponsorship and fundraising

Since 2005, actori has generated more than 60 million EUR in fundraising means for its clients. We have been supporting the Bavarian State Opera and the Semperopera in their fundraising activities for over 15 years and have experienced the business in all its facets. Experience shows that an individual fundraising concept and a competent sales team are crucial for success.

actori supports cultural institutions in the development of sponsoring/fundraising concepts. The focus always lies on the individual strengths of the respective institution and the key question of how and with which offers companies, private patrons and donors can be convincingly addressed. Together with the institution, attractive service packages are developed and communicative measures are recommended to accompany a sponsoring and fundraising initiative without losing sight of the existing structures (e.g. foundations or circles of friends). At the end of a project, an organisational framework has been set up, with which the acquisition of private funds can be implemented efficiently, pragmatically and independently.


Clients we have advised in this area (excerpt): Bundestheater-Holding Wien/Wiener Staatsoper/ Burgtheater/Volksoper – Land Berlin/Landesmuseuen – Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss – Opernhaus Zürich – Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden – Schauspielhaus Bochum – Bayerische Staatsoper München – Opéra de Monte-Carlo – Städtischen Bühnen Frankfurt am Main/Oper Frankfurt – Staatstheater Nürnberg – Stage Entertainment – future demand – Albertina Wien – Landestheater Schleswig – Holstein.

Our services

  • Brand positioning and strategy
  • Optimisation of marketing and communication
  • Conception and implementation of visitor and non-visitor surveys
  • Analysis of client data and behaviour (including AI-supported FD algorithms)
  • Optimisation of pricing and subscription structure
  • Development of sponsoring and fundraising concepts
  • Data-based evaluation of sponsoring services
  • Development of acquisition strategies.


Prof. Maurice Lausberg
Managing Director and founder