Once again, actori was able to carry out a project for the Schleswig-Holstein State Theater and Symphony Orchestra. While the previous collaboration in 2014 was about creating a concept to secure the future viability of the Landestheater, we were now able to develop a new marketing and sales concept with the theater.
Across Germany, cultural institutions are facing the challenges of declining subscription numbers and an audience that is not (yet) finding its way back to theaters after the Corona pandemic of the last two years. Developing appropriate strategies to attract a "new" audience (and retain existing ones) was therefore a central goal of the project.
A regional survey of visitors and non-visitors to the Schleswig-Holstein Landestheater yielded interesting findings: For example, visitors to the theater cited a lack of time flexibility as the main reason for not subscribing (72% of respondents). Radio is the most used media channel among both visitors (90%) and non-visitors (86%); it is also most frequently used several times a day and as an information channel for cultural offerings. Also revealing was the evaluation of the most popular distribution channels - because tickets to cultural events are generally purchased online most often; this is the case among non-visitors (57%) and also among (on average older) visitors (49%).
Based on the survey results and a comprehensive status quo analysis of relevant areas of the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater, actori was able to identify fields of action and develop specific measures for the optimization of marketing and sales activities together with employees of the theater. Central results included the use of more visual "content", for example an image film, as well as the general expansion of social media activities in the house.
The project was implemented by Dr. Nora Pähler vor der Holte, Project Management and Katharina Pachta-Reyhofen, Consulting.