"#Culturegoesdigital"? Digitisation in theatres, a status report

unsplash/Geert Pieters
Image: Robert Kohlhuber, stocksy.com

How far has digitalisation progressed in theatres? To what extent are processes and work areas digitalised? Where does digitisation present opportunities and challenges for theatres? How do theatres want to invest in digitisation in the future?

actori investigated these questions and surveyed around one hundred theatres in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in September 2020.The advancing digitalisation is a central challenge for our society - also for cultural institutions. Consumers now consider digital offers, online ticket purchasing and responsive website design to be standard services. Services that also require the use of digital technologies and networked processes internally. As a strategy consultancy in the areas of culture, education and entertainment, actori is also investigating the developments of digitalisation in the cultural sector and has conducted an online survey of around one hundred single and multi-part theatres in German-speaking countries.

The results provide a good overview of the current state of digitisation and allow a look into the future.


The study was prepared by Dr. Nora Pähler vor der Holte, Project Management.

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