For more than 70 years, the unfinished Congress Hall - the congress building once planned by the National Socialists for 50,000 people - remained largely unused. The gross floor area of over 118,000 m2 (excluding the inner courtyard) is now largely empty due to structural defects. Following a resolution in the city council, a section of the Congress Hall is now to be developed for permanent use by the arts and culture with spaces for production, presentation and encounters. In 2019 and 2020, preparatory work such as the development of initial usage visions and a needs survey were carried out, in which actori was already involved.
For the further planning of these enabling spaces, actori was commissioned by the City of Nuremberg in the summer of 2022 to further elaborate and concretize the preliminary work on the utilization concept with regional stakeholders in art and culture in a broad-based participatory process. To this end, actori held a participatory event, the "Open-Space", at the Z-Bau (Nuremberg) in July and discussed requirements for enabling spaces and framework conditions with artists and representatives of the local cultural scene. Subsequently, in a second project step, interviews were conducted to determine detailed user needs, such as room size, equipment, accessibility, etc.
The rooms, as well as the interim of the Nuremberg State Theater in the Congress Hall, are to be completed as early as 2024.
The project was implemented by Amélie Strobel, Project Management and Jonas Salzer, Consulting.