actori visits macomLab

actori GmbH
Eislingen/Fils I Image: actori

These days the actori team visited the macomLab of the company macom in Eislingen/Fils - a Europe-wide operating consulting and engineering company for media technology. As a research and innovation platform, independent testing and certification facility, agile co-working, and co-creation space as well as integration and testing environment for hardware and software manufacturers, the macomLAB is multifunctional. During our visit, we were able to experience live an innovation hub for experiencing, testing, and developing state-of-the-art presentation, communication, interaction, and collaboration systems.

For us as a strategy consultancy in the field of culture, entertainment, and education, it was exciting to see how these systems can help cultural institutions to fulfil their mission better and more efficiently. One example of this is how smart event technology can increase the utilization times of spaces or how they can be an effective means of combating the shortage of skilled workers. See also the impulse contribution by Joshua Neumann about staff shortages in event technology.

But we also received impulses for our own work, which could also trigger one or two changes at actori in the future. We would like to thank Oliver Mack, Christoph Wax and Florin Joos for this exciting insight and look forward to future exchanges.


A contribution by Dr. Nora Pähler vor der Holte, Project Management.

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