Organisational review on the Historisches Erbe Hessen

Denny Muller
Hessen I Image: davidruesseler, unsplash


The historical heritage of Hessen is characterised by a unique diversity. In 1946, Hessen was founded as an "art state"; however, the origins of the state are based on the merger of 4 free imperial cities, 2 princely bishoprics and 11 principalities and counties. These different influences are also reflected in the 5 cultural institutions: Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlösser und Gärten Hessen, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Hessen, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt and the Museum Wiesbaden. The constantly growing volume of tasks, resulting for example from new properties, additional exhibition areas, different legal framework conditions or new technical procedures, presented the Historical Heritage client with both personnel and structural challenges.


As part of the extensive organisational study, actori was entrusted with the analysis of the personnel situation and the optimisation of administrative processes. In order to do this ambitious project justice, it was first necessary to develop an understanding of the content of the different tasks of the organisation by means of a thorough task analysis. The analysis began with an in-depth look at different subject areas such as archaeology, facility management, monument conservation, mediation or garden art. For the comprehensive assessment of job needs, about 600 data sets were analysed and more than 90 interviews with staff members were conducted. The examination of the job requirements was carried out using benchmarks and other quantitative and qualitative factors in order to provide the client, the State of Hesse, with a transparent and well-founded basis for decision-making on the future positioning of the organisation. Long-term consequences such as those of "non-occupations" were equally presented in individual areas, such as the effects of a slowdown in the occupation of archaeologists with a simultaneous increase in the number of finds due to increased construction projects. This creates risks for finds, loss or a delay in construction projects.

Added Value

  • With the investigations, actori has created transparency for the state of Hesse with regard to actual job requirements.
  • Based on the objective examination, existing and future requirements could be evaluated independently.
  • With the help of interviews, for example, and the necessary tact, a consensual understanding of the results was achieved among the agencies and institutions.
  • The exchange between providers and institutions was strengthened even beyond the process.


The project was implemented by Marietta Schönberg, Consultant and Frank Schellenberg, Managing Director.

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