Feasibility study for an IT system at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

actori GmbH
Berlin I Image: Nikolaus Schäffler, actori Team


The National Museums in Berlin use a central planning, scheduling and room booking system. It is a versatile system that also functions as an editor, is used for content management, and provides information for various purposes, such as for the website, for the visitor management system and digital media walls. The system offers interfaces to other software as well as external users and thus enables centralised data input and distribution. The system, which was developed especially for the National Museums in Berlin, is used by many people from various work areas of the General Directorate and the collections. Different challenges mean that the system, which has grown over the years, no longer meets current requirements. As part of a feasibility study, actori showed the National Museums in Berlin how the existing system could be replaced and what procedure would be necessary to achieve this.


Based on analyses and interviews, actori identified the central challenges in order to assess the urgency of the need for action. All interfaces of the system were identified, and the processes covered by the system were recorded. A total of over 170 target functions were defined, prioritised and concrete requirements formulated. Then a check was made for possible overlaps with existing systems. Since no system could cover all functions at the time of the study, the only options besides modularising the system environment were to develop a new system or to "rehabilitate" the existing one. For this transformation process, the challenges were translated into a roadmap with a schedule, recommendations for action and responsibilities. To ensure that the National Museums in Berlin are prepared for the upcoming transformation process, budget and personnel issues were also elicited.


  • With its overall view of the challenges in the context of the central planning, scheduling and room booking system, the study creates transparency and supports managers in their decision-making.
  • The analyses demonstrate clearly which functions can be transferred to other systems already in place at the National Museums in Berlin, and for which functions one or more new solutions must be found.
  • The elaborated roadmap provides a precise overview of upcoming tasks and not only accelerates the transformation process, it also creates an awareness of the need for change and associated processes among the staff.
  • Through modularisation, dependencies on an individually developed system can now be resolved step by step.


The project was implemented Daniel Fetzer, Project Management and Jonas Salzer, Consultant.

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