A utilisation- and operating concept for the Rhein-Main CongressCenter Wiesbaden

Denny Muller
Wisebaden I Image: Peter Krausgrill @WICM, RheinMain CongressCenter, CC BY 4.0


The Rhein-Main CongressCenter in Wiesbaden is a congress and event centre in the city centre of Wiesbaden that has been operating as a premium service provider for congresses, conferences and trade fairs since its opening in 2018. It has a total area of 17,700 m² and can accommodate 12,500 visitors. In preparation for the new building in 2013 and after the opening in 2019, actori supported the utilisation concept and business planning for the ambitious project. An essential aspect was also a market potential assessment to evaluate realistic event numbers.


In 2013, on the basis of early planning for the renewal of the Rhine-Main Halls, the cornerstones of a utilisation concept, event potentials and effects on the operational follow-up costs were evaluated by means of market and competition analyses. After the successful opening and the experiences of the first year of operation, this concept was updated. The aim was to take into account market developments, constructional realities and experience from practical operation in the long-term business planning.

Added Value

  • Frühzeitige Berücksichtigung betriebswirtschaftlicher Konsequenzen in einer frühen Planungsphase
  • Transparenz der Nutzungskonzeption sowie Auswirkungen baulicher Entscheidungen im Entstehungsprozess einer neuer Veranstaltungsstätte
  • Verifizierung der ersten Betriebserfahrungen zur Sicherstellung relevanter Learnings sowie einer langfristigen Planungssicherheit.


The projects were implemented by Frank Schellenberg, Managing Director.

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