A marketing- and sales concept for the Landestheater and Symphonieorchester GmbH in Schleswig-Holstein

Schleswig-Holstein I Image: Unsplash/Veeterzy


Together with the Schleswig-Holstein State Theatre and Symphony Orchestra, actori created a marketing and sales concept in 2022. The Schleswig-Holstein State Theatre and Symphony Orchestra is the largest state theatre in Germany with a diverse and complex programme of around 700 events in eight sections every year. A decentralised structure due to the various locations and the extensive programme pose challenges for marketing, sales and audience loyalty.


The starting point for the marketing and sales concept was a review of target groups, an analysis of the price and subscription structure and existing sales and marketing measures. This was followed by the examination and optimisation of organisational structure, processes and interfaces. Based on a (non-)visitor survey in Schleswig-Holstein, we drew up consequences for action for the marketing and sales concept. The participatory process was continued in an intensive workshop phase with employees of the Schleswig-Holstein State Theatre and Symphony Orchestra. The aim was to deal even more concretely with the areas(:) target groups and goals, communication, price, distribution and organisation, and resources at the theatre. The results were then translated into recommendations for action as well as a catalogue of measures; resource requirements were also taken into account and adjusted.

Added Value

  • The target groups were specified and measures formulated, which facilitates the updating of the concept.
  • Through the participatory process, the perspectives of all affected actors were included and acceptance for the new concept was created.
  • In addition, "quick-win measures" can achieve noticeable results with little effort and thus motivate employees to make the changes.
  • Existing decentralised distribution channels could be sustainably optimised and thus, for example, impulses for new target groups, such as multipliers, could be created.


The project was implemented by Katharina Pachta-Reyhofen, Consultant and Dr. Nora Pähler vor der Holte, Project Management.

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