"actori offers development opportunities and tries to do justice to one's own circumstances."

Marietta Schönberg talks about the compatibility of family and career at actori.


A family to choose from
actori is a company with a recognisable DNA, in which new and different personalities are always coming together. The team itself recruits the future colleagues. In addition to professional qualifications, it is also crucial how one fits into and complements the existing team. This results in a colourful team with a strong sense of togetherness, where there is interest in the personality and individual skills of each person.

A small company with professional structures
actori offers opportunities for development and tries to do justice to one's own circumstances. I started as a junior consultant seven years ago and have since progressed to consultant, then senior consultant, to project manager, all the while working full and part time. As a mother, I now work 70% and arrange my working hours much more flexibly, including office and home office work. This allows me to do a demanding job, meet my quality standards and at the same time be there enough for my family.

A job that never gets boring
actori offers the excitement of change and variety. As a consultant I sometimes feel like the eierlegende Wollmilchsau or, to put it another way, a jack-of-all-trades: I am a structure provider, moderator, idea provider, expert, psychologist... at the beginning of a project I am faced with a completely new and unknown field and at the end of the project I am an expert in exactly that. I work with commercial managers, curators, restorers, directors, monument conservators, politicians, heads of cultural departments, architects... and some projects offer insights into exotic fields of work; sometimes this makes for bizarre moments. The company is also subject to constant change: we are questioning our working methods and fields of activity, constantly building up new know-how, expanding our competences, opening up sectors and new markets and enabling spin-offs. All of this is only possible because every team member gives impulses for further development and takes responsibility for implementation.

Thank you, dear Marietta